Contents of \drivers\modem\ directory The files under the 3Com-USR, Compaq, Lucent, and Toshiba directories are of particular interest to customers who install Microsoft Windows 98 on their computer without Windows already loaded, or format the hard drive before or while installing Windows 98, and loose their modem. This is the contents of the \drivers\modem directory: <3Com-USR> ========== <CC2336I> 3Com MEGAHERTZ International Modem for Windows <CXM356> Gateway 2000 Telepath 3CXM356 PC Card modem <DEC2000> U.S. Robotics Sportster Winmodem PC Card built into DEC HiNote 2000 Ultra laptops <WinModem> U.S. Robotics - 3Com ISA WinModem cards <XJ2560> 3Com Megahertz XJ-CC2560 PC Card WinModem <Compaq> ======== Compaq Computers Supported: Presario Series: 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 6000, and the Armada 1500 with the internal 33.6K or 56K modem. <Lucent> ======== These are all variations of the LT Win Modem. Please see the numbering on your modem to identify which inf to use. <1641> LT Win Modem <1641B> <1642> LT Win Modem <1643> LT Win Modem <1645PCI> PCI LT Win Modem. <Toshiba> ========= <1645> TOSHIBA Internal V.34 Modem - Windows Modem Data+Fax+Voice+VoiceView+Dsvd <AC> TOSHIBA Internal Modem (V.34 28.8 Data+Fax+Voice) <AE> TOSHIBA Internal 33.6Data+14.4Fax+Voice Modem