Thank you for downloading the Award BIOS Editor. There are some important things regarding the Editor contained in this file, so please read carefully.

First of all, a few links to some resources:

  • Our homepage is available at:
  • The Project page is available at:
  • And finally, some documentation.

  • The Award BIOS Editor 1.0 release marks a comeback from being gone for almost two years. I have had a fair amount of personal things to deal with (I will not bore you by describing them to you), but now things are back to normal, and my interest in the Award BIOS Editor has returned.

    The project has transformed itself from closed-source to open-source. I've always been a fan of open-source projects, but I've never had any of my stuff open. I like how the GPL works, where I maintain copyright, and require that derivative works remain open-source.

    Most of this source code is over a year and a half old. I was reviewing it the other day, and it looked horrible. :) Please do not make any comments about how I could do this thing better or it would be easier if I did that instead -- I plan to cleanup the codebase and move to MFC from here on.

    Note that this is version 1.0 of the Award BIOS Editor. This is newer than the last publicly available version (RC1) from my old website. Not too much has changed, but the "Setup Menu" tab works a _lot_ better, and execution of v4.51PG BIOSes is almost perfect.

    I am currently _NOT_ recruiting developers to assist on the project -- you may ask, but I will probably say no. There is a lot of cleanup work I want to take care of first, along with the new plug-in API changes. Once that's been done, the Award BIOS Editor can start to proceed to v2.0, and I'll start looking for other developers to join the project. You are welcome to submit a patch if you like, however. Should it be useful, I will do my best to make sure it gets integrated into the source tree.

    That's all for now. Thanks again, and happy hacking!